
“Great Communism”
MS Gorbachev
“History of Kyrgyzstan” encyclopedia
S.A. Toktogonov
J.Tatibekova СССР
«Великий коммунизм»
М.С. Горбачев
энциклопедия «История Кыргызстана»
С.А. Токтогонов
Ю.Татибекова СССР
“Буюк коммунизм”
“қайта қуриш”
“Қирғизистон тарихи” энциклопедияси
С.А. Токтогонов

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Samandar Salim ogli Salimov. (2020). PECULIARITIES OF THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE KYRGYZ PEOPLE IN 1970-1980. Journal of Central Asian Social Studies, 1(01), 144-151.


This article analyzes the theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the history of the Kyrgyz people and the peculiarities of the historiography of the Kyrgyz people in 1970-1980, the study of political processes in Kyrgyzstan in the 70-80s and their coverage in the literature of the 70-80s. an attempt was made to study the literature on the socio-economic life of the Kyrgyz people.


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