
optimal use of water resources
efficient use of water
irrigation regimes
types of crops
economic and mathematical model
mathematical expression оптимальное использование водных ресурсов
эффективное использование воды
сельское хозяйство
режимы орошения
типы культур
экономико-математическая модель
математическое выражение сув ресурсларидан оптимал фойдаланиш
сувдан самарали фойдаланиш
қишлоқ хўжалиги
суғориш режимлари
экинлар турлари
иқтисодий-математик модель
математик ифода

How to Cite

Akmal Obidovich Sultonov. (2020). PROBLEMS OF OPTIMAL USE OF WATER RESOURCES FOR CROP IRRIGATION. Journal of Central Asian Social Studies, 1(01), 26-33.


Today, the problem of water resources and their effective use is an urgent problem in many countries of the world. Due to the georegional features of the country, this problem largely affects the country's economy. The article discusses integrated methods for the optimal use of water resources, depending on performance indicators in the agricultural sector. Alternative irrigation methods in the process of optimal use of water resources and their impact on the agricultural economy are highlighted on the basis of mathematical (quantitative) analysis. The analyzes considered that economical irrigation methods not only save water resources and determine their effectiveness, but also that such irrigation methods should be applied in agriculture in accordance with the applicable characteristics of market mechanisms.


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