
media resource
digital technologies
digital media educational environment
independent learning
learning effectiveness
learning at an individual pace медиа
медиа ресурс
цифровые технологии
цифровое медиа образовательное пространство
эффективность обучения
обучение в индивидуальном темпе media
raqamli texnologiyalar
raqamli media ta’lim muhiti
mustaqil ta'lim
ta’lim samaradorligi
individual tempda ta’lim olish

How to Cite

Zakhro Abdurakhim qizi Umarova. (2020). DIGITAL MEDIA EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: MEDIA RESOURCES AND THEIR ROLE. Journal of Central Asian Social Studies, 1(01), 66-74.


In digital era using the media resources and digital technology is not only necessary, but also vital. That is why it is recognized by many countries as one of the priorities of education reform. Today in educational process, teachers are using digital technologies and media resources to conduct lesson. In a result, the traditions of teaching and learning are changing and evolving. This article discusses the pedagogical opportunities of using digital technologies and media resources in education and the issues of their effective use in learning and teaching process. In this study examined the effectiveness and opportunities of teaching and learning through media resources. In addition, the issues of effective integration of digital technologies and media resources into the independent learning process of students were studied. The results showed that media resources increase students' motivation and interest in subjects and ensure learning efficiency. This is because the effectiveness of the learning process is directly related to the interest and motivation of learners to learn. Considering that media is interesting and attractive for everyone, the use of media in an educational process based on educational goals can be one of the best solutions to increase the motivation of students to learn. Due to media resources in the educational process, a new innovative method of teaching and learning practice was created, which will achieve the effectiveness of education by the fact that students learn at an individual pace, interact with the teacher when they need it, actively and willingly participate in the educational process.


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