
philosophical basis
ethical attitude
spiritual duty
biotechnology биоэтика
философские основы
этический настрой
духовный долг
биотехнология фалсафий асоси
ахлоқий муносабат
маънавий бурч

How to Cite

Shakhlo Mukhtorovna Isakhova. (2020). HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ROOTS OF BIOETHICS. Journal of Central Asian Social Studies, 1(01), 75-84. https://doi.org/10.37547/jcass/volume01issue01-a8


This article is about the formation and historical philosophical roots of bioethics. The conditions and factors for the emergence of bioethics can be explained as follows: the introduction of commercial medicine, the strict struggle to respect the rights of patients, as well as the interests of health workers, the introduction of insurance medicine, legislation, clergy and other religious institutions and organizations, codes of ethics created in different countries. The need to establish international committees on bioethics to prevent all attempts to misuse modern medical advances for undesirable purposes, including the use of bacteriological, chemical and nuclear weapons.



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