Journal of Central Asian Social Studies 2021-12-21T09:24:24+00:00 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies Open Journal Systems <p>"<strong>Journal of Central Asian Social Studies" </strong><strong>/ </strong><strong>"<span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="uz"><span title="">Markaziy Osiyo ijtimoiy tadqiqotlar jurnali</span></span></strong><strong>" / “</strong><strong>Журнал социальн</strong><strong>ых исследований Центральной Азии</strong><strong>” (</strong><strong>ISSN: 2181-1520</strong><strong>)</strong></p> <p>The journal accepts articles on the following fields, specialties: </p> <p><strong><em>Philology<br /></em></strong><strong><em>Pedagogy<br /></em></strong><strong><em>History<br /></em></strong><strong><em>Economics<br /></em></strong><strong><em>Politics<br /></em></strong><strong><em>Philosophy<br /></em></strong><strong><em>Cultural Sciences<br /></em></strong><strong><em>Journalism </em></strong> <br /><br />The Journal is published in six issues a year. Articles are currently being accepted for the next issue of the journal.</p> RELIGIOUS INTUITION - HIGHER KNOWLEDGE OF REALITY 2021-12-21T09:24:24+00:00 Jasurbek Abdivait ogli Abdullaev <p>The relationship between intuition and intellect is one of the most pressing <br>problems of modern philosophy. In this article we will have the opportunity to consider the <br>views of the famous Indian philosopher S. Radhakrishnan on intuition. At the same time, the <br>views of Western philosophers on this topic are also highlighted on the basis of a comparative <br>analysis.</p> 2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies IMAGES IN ANECDOTAS AS LANGUAGE PHENOMENA 2021-12-17T04:53:32+00:00 Ziyodajon Zaripova <p>This article discusses the difference between anecdotes and anecdotes and the <br>fact that images in anecdotes are a linguocultural phenomenon. The terms anecdote, anecdote, <br>and joke (Witz), which we thought meant the same thing, actually had similar but different <br>meanings. In addition, with the help of anecdotes, anecdotes, images in anecdotes, we can get <br>acquainted with the culture and life of this people.</p> 2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies TRANSLATION OF CONSTRUCTIONS USED IN FORMAL CIRCLES FROM CHINESE TO UZBEK 2021-10-21T04:30:52+00:00 Dinora Abdujabbor kizi Saidova <p>This article describes the template combinations used in the translation process from Chinese to Uzbek. The issue of translating important stereotypes used in official circles, conferences, and political events was considered and analyzed separately. These compounds are often used in the translation process in the speaker's speech. These templates are widely used in conferences, ceremonies, meetings and other official events. As we explore this topic, in this article we will look at the order and meaning of some words in the translation process.</p> 2021-10-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies THE INFLUENCE OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF CHINA ON THE FORMATION OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL TERMINOLOGY 2021-08-10T16:01:32+00:00 Saodat Abdullaevna Nasirova Sabohat Abdullaevna Hashimova Gulchehra Shavkatovna Rikhsieva <p>This article examines the influence of the political system of ancient China on the formation of socio-political terminology within the framework of administrative management. The analysis is carried out on the basis of lexicographic material in the chronological order of replenishment of the terminology of administrative division from the period of the slave dynasties of Xia, Shang and Western Zhou to the modern system of government in China.</p> 2021-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies POSITIVE EVALUATION AND NEGATIVE EVALUATION SPECIAL VOCABULARY AS A FACTOR CONTRIBUTING TO THE FORMATION OF THE IMAGE OF A PRINTED EDITION 2021-12-21T09:11:23+00:00 Gulnora Khamzaevna Khakimova <p>The tumultuous events of the end of the 20th century - the collapse of the <br>totalitarian state, the rejection of the command-administrative system, the collapse of the socioeconomic and spiritual foundations of social life that have developed over 70 years - have <br>brought about fundamental changes in all areas of our life. All this was accompanied by complex <br>processes of the formation of a new democracy, political freedom, a multi-party system, <br>freedom of speech, new statehood in Russia, Uzbekistan and other states (republics of the <br>former USSR), fundamental economic transformations, etc.</p> 2021-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies PHRASEOLOGICAL ANTHONYMY IS A UNIVERSAL PHENOMENON 2021-12-17T04:41:45+00:00 Kamola Umarova <p>The article defines the conditions for the emergence of antonymic relations <br>between two existing phraseological units in linguistics and systematizes the formal signs of <br>antonymic contradictions.</p> <p>The problem of opposition of phraseological units and lexical units of phraseological <br>antonyms is analyzed. It is argued that antonymy is a universal phenomenon.</p> 2021-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies A LIFE DEDICATED TO THE IDEA OF NATIONAL AWAKENING 2021-10-17T06:24:53+00:00 Nilufar Shuhrat kizi Kudratova <p>The article provides information about the national press sources on the study of Islamic enlightenment in Turkestan in the early twentieth century, the special role and importance of the press in the socio-enlightenment life of Turkestan. In addition, the activities of the Jadids on the promotion of science and enlightenment and the widespread introduction of modern scientific institutions in the country, as well as articles on socio-political events of that period, the issues of reforming the education system in scientific works.</p> 2021-10-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies FEATURES OF FORMING OF ANIMATED NOUNS WITH THE AFFIXES IN MODERN CHINESE LANGUAGE 2021-07-27T05:07:24+00:00 Sabohat Abdullaevna Hashimova Saodat Abdullaevna Nasirova <p>This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of animate nouns using affixes in modern Chinese. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that this phenomenon is widespread in the word formation of the modern Chinese language and ranks second in the productivity of the formation of both new lexical units and various forms of the word. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying productive affixes that serve as material for the formation of animate nouns. The leading approach to the study of this problem is component analysis, as well as the modeling of structures, with the help of which the corresponding nouns are formed, allowing a comprehensive consideration of this phenomenon within the framework of the affixation of the modern Chinese language. The article presents constructions with affixal morphemes, on the basis of which words-nouns are formed, the lexical features of each of the suffixes are revealed, new constructions are revealed, on the basis of which new words-nouns are formed, the lexical meanings of suffixes are analyzed.</p> 2021-07-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of Central Asian Social Studies