About the Journal

Journal of Central Asian Social Studies (ISSN: 2181-1520) is a platform to publish your scientific and social research worldwide and get a high impact on your innovative research. we do not only publish research but we provide high-impact factor value journals internationally. JCASS is a highly innovative journal and JCASS editorial team members are innovative and highly educated with their own stream. JCASS is open access, peer-reviewed international Journal. We provide our journal in three languages English, Russian and Uzbek.

"Journal of Central Asian Social Studies"

“Журнал социальных исследований Центральной Азии”

"Марказий Осиё ижтимоий тадқиқотлар журнали


Subject Area of our journal

Philology, Pedagogy, History, Economics, Politics, Philosophy, Cultural Sciences, Journalism. 

Journal Frequency

The Journal article publication frequency is 6 issues per year or One issue in two months.

(jan-fab, mar-apl, may-jun, jul-aug, sep-oct, nov-dec)