
historical stylization
originality Перевод
исторический стилизации tarjima
tarixiy stilizatsiya

How to Cite

Zukhra Ruzimat kizi Tursunbaeva. (2021). ISSUE OF HISTORICAL STYLIZATION IN TRANSLATION. Journal of Central Asian Social Studies, 2(02), 19-25.


Translating historical works is a little more difficult than modern ones, because historical works are filled with countless historical and archaic linguistic means in accordance with the needs of the time, and it is necessary to fully recreate the spirit of originality. Authorship requires the translator to recreate a feature of the period when the original originated by choosing the right language means.

The article also examines the problems of preserving historical stylization when translating historical works, the role and significance of archaisms in conveying the spirit of the historical period. The article also provides the views and opinions of a number of translators on the problem of historical stylization in the translation of historical works.


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सुधीर कुमार माथुर, बाबूर, रादुगा प्रकाशन, मास्को१९८८.१२०प .(Sudhir Kumar Mathur. Babur. Raduga Prakashn, Maskov. 1988. – p.556 .)

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