
independent statehood
political governance
stages of development of the national development model
action strategy независимая государственность
политическое управление
этапы развития национальной модели развития
стратегия действий мустақил давлатчилик,
сиёсий бошқарув
миллий тараққиёт моделини ривожлантириш босқичлари
ҳаракатлар стратегияси

How to Cite

Baratbaev, B. B. . (2020). STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL MODELS OF DEVELOPMENT OF UZBEKISTAN AND RUSSIA. Journal of Central Asian Social Studies, 1(02), 21-32.


At the beginning of the last decades of the twentieth century, both Uzbekistan and Russia experienced a severe decline, despite the huge amount of natural, mineral resources, labor resources and human potential of strategic importance. In fact, the solution of these problems has formed the basis of national development models of countries. This article focuses on the classification of political scientists and economists on the stages of formation of national development models of Uzbekistan and Russia.


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